Slovak Catholic Sokol
News - Slovak Catholic Sokol


Michael J. Horvath From the desk of the Supreme Secretary
by Scott T. Pogorelec, F.I.C.

One of the most crucial factors in the growth of a fraternal benefit society is its Membership. Growing the membership is essential for the continued good and betterment of any organization. For 119 years, our organization has been about family. Many of us are second and third generation members. Yet we all still have family members that are not part of our society. Even worse, most of these family members do not even have life insurance coverage. With all the fraternal benefits offered by our organization, as well as the life insurance protection, you would think it would be an easy sell. But we all know it is not. So, what can we do?

Every member who values his or her affiliation with our organization has an obligation to do their part in insuring our future. With so much to offer, let us share the message of Sokol fraternalism like generations have done in the past. Promoting our fraternal benefits is the easy part. It is the life insurance part that seems to be the hold-up for potential sales. When promoting our life insurance, always remember the benefits which only life insurance can provide. With funeral and burial costs totaling more than $10,000, the death of a loved one can leave quite the financial burden. Life insurance can help subsidize these and other costs. Our policies also offer a tax-advantaged way to build cash value that may be used when in need of emergency funds. Loans are tax free if the policy stays in force. These are just a few reasons of the benefits of life insurance and the Slovak Catholic Sokol can help in filling these important needs for your family.

I hope everyone will enjoy the Fourth of July Holiday. It is a day to celebrate our freedom and extreme pride of being Americans. July 4th is also a special day for the Slovak Catholic Sokol. It was on that day in 1905 that 46 young Slovak immigrants gathered in Passaic, NJ and decided to form a new organization celebrating Sokol traditions. In addition to our Sokol traditions of sportsmanship and fraternalism, our organization also addressed the need to provide financial security for its members. On this upcoming fourth, our Society will celebrate the 119th anniversary of our organization’s founding. It is with immense pride that we continue to promote the high ideals of fraternalism which inspired our organization’s founders 119 years ago. Generations of Sokol members have worked and promoted our great Society and here we stand today financially sound and filled with pride. Happy Birthday to the Slovak Catholic Sokol!

We ask all our members to continue to support our fine organization. The efforts of our Sokols to sign up new people have always been a cornerstone of our organization. To bring back an old campaign slogan: “BE A MEMBER, GET A MEMBER!”

Our Supreme Physical Fitness Board continues to work hard to find events that can generate interest among our members. They recently held a Sokol Family Fest at Peek N Peak Resort in Clymer, NY. All had a wonderful time, and we look forward to having more events like it in the future!

A special congratulations to our 2023 Fraternalist of the Year, Agnes Evanko. Supreme President, Larry M. Glugosh, and I had the honor of attending a wonderful dinner that celebrated Sister Agnes and all that she has done and continues to do for the organization. It was wonderful to see all our local Assembly 180 and Group 5 members who truly understand all that Agnes does for the Society. Congratulations again Agnes!

Until next time, continue enjoying this beautiful summer and may God bless you all!

Stay safe, stay strong,
Zdar Boh!

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