Slovak Catholic Sokol
News - Slovak Catholic Sokol


Michael J. Horvath From the desk of the Supreme Secretary
by Scott T. Pogorelec, F.I.C.

Greetings from the Home Office! As we transition into autumn, the kids are going back to school and football is appearing on the television, it is also a suitable time to look forward and do a life checklist. One of those items on that checklist should be answering if you have enough life insurance coverage. September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. It is an industry wide campaign designed to educate Americans about the importance of life insurance and helping them get the coverage they need. In honor of this month, I urge all our members to examine your current life insurance and find out if you are adequately covered. Unfortunately, I can tell you that much of our membership is under-insured, but we can fix that. If you have any questions and need assistance, please contact our Home Office at (800) 886-7656, and we would be more than happy to assist you. Remember, life insurance coverage protects the people that are most valuable to you, your loved ones!

I know that there are many local Assembly/Wreath functions planned for the Fall Season. I urge all our Assembly and Wreath Officers to announce the event in our publication and to follow up after the event with brief articles and photos. It is important for everyone in our organization to see and hear from our active local lodges.

From September 16th-18th, I will be attending the 2024 American Fraternal Alliance Executive Summit. The American Fraternal Alliance was established in 1886 and continues to be an organization that strengthens and supports its members in the fraternal benefit sector by its leadership in advocacy and education. Whenever possible, the Alliance looks to collaborate with their member societies, state and federal policy makers, and community service organizations to achieve common goals. This meeting provides a forum for representatives of the nation’s fraternals dedicated to topics of interest in the fraternal benefit system. The Slovak Catholic Sokol has been a member of the Alliance for many years and the annual meeting gives us an opportunity to address the current conditions that all fraternals are experiencing. I look forward to an informative conference and will inform the membership of any new developments that could impact our society.

Congratulations to all our flight winners at the recent 69th International Golf Tournament held in Dubois, PA at the Treasure Lake Golf Resort. A wonderful time was had by all, and the spirit of fraternalism shone brightly. Thank you to our Director of Sports and Athletics, Kathleen S. Watkins, and her entire staff for their efforts to make this wonderful event a success. A big congratulations to our 2024 Frank S. Petruff Award winner, Steven M. Pogorelec, Sr., from S-162, Clifton, NJ. Brother Steve’s service and dedication to our Golf Tournament and the entire Organization is second to none. I think we can all agree that this award was well-deserved! Congratulations again, Dad!

Until next time, enjoy the last few days of summer and may God Bless you all!

Stay safe, stay strong,
Zdar Boh!

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